Campaign ended but this is just the beginning. / avril 29, 2017

We closed our campaign yesterday and we reached over 375% of our funding goal! From the first backer to our last backer and all the backers in between we want to sincerely thank you for believing in us. We definitely could not have done this without you. Running a crowdfunding campaign has allowed us to   LIRE LA SUITE

Go Ahead, Test Us / avril 29, 2017

You can’t claim a quality mattress without passing one of the most important safety requirements of all: the fire test. We just received word the Silk + Snow mattress has passed the FR1633 test — which means two things: we’re steaming ahead towards full production and launch, and our obsession with quality means we’re meeting   LIRE LA SUITE

Kickstarter Update: 200% and Counting! / avril 6, 2017

  We just want to take this opportunity to thank you all for the tremendous amount of support you’ve given us! We couldn’t have made it without you! Because of your support, we are now over 200% funded! We cannot wait to get our Silk + Snow products in your hands! Thank you again for   LIRE LA SUITE

Silk + Snow is Launching on Kickstarter, Tomorrow! / mars 27, 2017

Have you ever had a passion project before? One where you worked day and night (many late nights in fact) to bring to life? When they say building a business is like raising a child, they’re not kidding. Silk + Snow has really become our ‘baby’ because we’re passionate about our mission to make mattress   LIRE LA SUITE

Silk + Snow Update: All That Pillow Talk / mars 24, 2017

We’re thrilled to announce that our Kickstarter campaign will be launching on March 28th. Since our last post, we’ve learned quite a bit based on the enthusiastic feedback and early interest we’ve received from our subscribers.  We’re excited to share this feedback and the latest project details with you. Early Bird Gets the Worm We   LIRE LA SUITE